Le Road Trip

Are We on Vacation Yet?

On our way!  An 18 hour journey, including a 3 hour layover in Miami!

On our way! An 18 hour journey, including a 3 hour layover in Miami!

We can’t believe that we’ve already been in Montevideo over one week! Our trip had an auspicious beginning, except that we were awakened at 2 am by a random caller in Lubbock, Texas. Aroused from a deep sleep and thinking it was our 6 am alarm, we jumped out of bed and did not realize the correct hour until I had emerged from the shower and Andre had eaten his breakfast! Fortunately, we were able to catch a few more hours of shuteye before our actual departure time. Our flight, though seemingly endless, was pretty uneventful and we finally arrived at our very comfortable B & B in La Ciudad Vieja. Nadia, our friendly host, welcomed us and provided us with a map, travel recommendations, snacks, and a local cell phone for us to use. Our first stop was our shipping agent’s office, just a few blocks from where we were staying. Yes, our camper was still due to arrive on Friday (it was now Wednesday), but they didn’t know what time and it would have to stay at the port in its container over the weekend. The next day we went to the Customs Office with Martin, the representative from our shipping company, who helped us navigate the complex process of releasing our vehicle from the port and customs. All we can say is it was extremely helpful to be with someone with a sense of humor who also knew the ropes! After all the papers had been filed, we left to enjoy the next few days of exploring the city!

Aerial view of Montevideo, Uruguay

Aerial view of Montevideo, Uruguay


Montevideo is six hours ahead of San Francisco so it took a few days to adjust to the time change. The weather was warm and very pleasant, though, so we just carried on and ignored the fact that we were not feeling entirely healthy…

Plaza de la Constitución, Montevideo, Uruguay

Plaza de la Constitución, Montevideo, Uruguay

Pacharán, Taberna Vasca, Basque Cultural Center, Montevideo, Uruguay

Pacharán, Taberna Vasca, Basque Cultural Center, Montevideo, Uruguay

Basque Cultural Center, Montevideo, Uruguay

Basque Cultural Center, Montevideo, Uruguay

When in Uruguay, eat at a parrilla! Mercado del Puerto, Montevideo, Uruguay

When in Uruguay, eat at a parrilla! Mercado del Puerto, Montevideo, Uruguay

There are many colorful plazas and picturesque colonial architecture in this bustling city and we were grateful for the summer sun. On Saturday, we explored Montevideo’s old port, Mercado de la Puerto, where the city’s artists, craftspeople and street musicians hang out. We even ate at a parrilla, where all types of grilled meat compete for your consumption. Though not much of a meat eater, I had to try it! Let’s just that I’ve had some wonderful seafood here, and I prefer that… Andre managed to find the Basque Cultural Center, in town. We thought that we would have lunch there, but the restaurant was closed and we ended up at the Italian restaurant downstairs. The food there was amazing!

By Sunday there was no denying that we were in the grips of a South American virus. It was pouring rain so stayed home to rest! The next day it was time to go to the port with Martin to take our camper out of the container. It had to stay at the port two more days as we waited for our customs broker to process the paperwork. More time for us to recover!

Andre standing in front of our camper in its container, Port of Montevideo, Uruguay

Andre standing in front of our camper in its container, Port of Montevideo, Uruguay

Container is opened, now to take the camper out! Port of Montevideo, Uruguay

Container is opened, now to take the camper out! Port of Montevideo, Uruguay

Our home for the next 3 months!, Port of Montevideo, Uruguay

Our home for the next 3 months!, Port of Montevideo, Uruguay

On Wednesday, one full week after our arrival, we returned to the port and then to the Customs Office with Martin and the customs broker. They worked their magic and the camper was finally ours! By the time everything had been finalized it was too late for us to load up and take off. Fortunately, Nadia’s apartment was vacant for one more night… Even after eight days, with all that happened we didn’t visit Montevideo the way we would have liked, but we’ll be back in at the end of February. At least we were able to make all the arrangements necessary for our return and we met some wonderful people. Nadia and her husband were beyond helpful during our stay, including recommending some amazing places around the country. Vamos a la playa!

Packing our camper in front of our B&B, Montevideo, Uruguay

Packing our camper in front of our B&B, Montevideo, Uruguay

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